


名稱: 48個(gè)單元大面積太陽(yáng)光模擬器

型號(hào): 48LASI

品牌: 努美科技/Sciencetech

  • 詳細(xì)信息





每個(gè)單元都有一個(gè)單相電源,需要220VAC / 10A。




Large Area Solar Illuminator (LASI), Forty-Eight Units (2x6m)

This is for a 48-unit set of LASI, designed to illuminate up to a 2x6m target with excellent three dimensional uniformity. All LASI systems operate with Xe arc lamps and therefore with the solar color temperature of 6,000 K. This allows the LASI to be used in applications that vary with depth, as opposed to generating only 2D uniformity on a single plane.

This price does include a basic frame to hold the LASI at the correct distance from the target plane.

This device is capable of Class C Spectral compliance and Class B temporal instability. Uniformity is typically ±15% over the central area.

Each unit has a single phase power supply and requires 220VAC/10A.

Name Large Area Solar Illuminator (LASI), Forty-Eight Units (2x6m)
Target Size 2 x 6 m
Typical Power Output 1000 W/m2
Uniformity Classification Less than C
Power Requirements 220VAC/10A
Collimation Angle +/- 10 degrees
Lamp Power 48 x 1.6 kW
Working Distance 1 m
Spectral Match Classification C
Temporal Instability Classification B
Classification Less than ACA
Continuous or Flash Continuous,

備案號(hào):京ICP備13029673號(hào)-1     京公網(wǎng)安備11010802012682



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