


名稱: UHE-33太陽光模擬器

型號: UHE-33

品牌: 努美科技/Sciencetech

  • 詳細信息





這款A(yù)STM E-927 AAA類太陽能模擬器能夠照亮33x33cm的區(qū)域。UHE-33包括一個框架和用于安裝UHE-33的支架。集成的支架允許用戶簡單地將樣品放置在距UHE-33輸出平面適當(dāng)距離的位置。標(biāo)準(zhǔn)光譜范圍是從400 nm到1100 nm。該模擬器配有AM1.5G空氣過濾器(也可選配其他AM過濾器),電源和弧光燈。






(UHE-33) Solar Simulator Sciencetech Class AAA - 30 cm x 30 cm

Sciencetech is proud to offer our new line of Ultra-High Efficiency solar simulators. 

By utilizing a completely new design for the beam homogenizer, the UHE systems are capable of far more efficiency and power unit than previously possible. 

This all possible without sacrificing temporal stability, spatial uniformity, or spectral matching.


This ASTM E-927 Class AAA Solar Simulator is capable of illuminating a 33x33cm area. The UHE-33 includes a frame and stand for mounting the UHE-33. The integrated stand allows the user to simply place their samples at the appropriate distance from the output plane of the UHE-33. The standard spectral range is from 400 nm to 1100 nm. The simulator comes complete with an AM1.5G air mass filter (optional other AM filters are also available), power supply and arc lamp.


Sciencetech also offers extended spectral matching, both in the 300-400nm range and 1100-1800nm. Please speak to your authorized technical sales staff member for more information.

Name (UHE-33) Solar Simulator Sciencetech Class AAA - 30 cm x 30 cm
Target Size 33x33 cm (13"x13")
Typical Power Output 1 Sun
Uniformity Classification Class A
Power Requirements 100-265VAC/10A
Collimation Angle 5º half angle
Lamp Power 1.6 kW
Working Distance from 110 cm upto 130 cm
Spectral Match Classification Class A
Temporal Instability Classification Class A
Classification Triple A (AAA)
Continuous or Flash Continuous,

備案號:京ICP備13029673號-1     京公網(wǎng)安備11010802012682



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