


名稱: 200-6.5K大功率聚焦光束光源

型號: 200-6.5k 201-6.5

品牌: 努美科技/Sciencetech

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(200-6.5k) High Power Focused Beam Arc Lamp Housing - 6kW Xe lamp

Scientific research grade arc lamp high-powered housing with focused-beam:


The 201-6.5K and 200-6.5K series lamp housings are the most powerful Sciencetech arc lamps with vertical and horizontal mount orientation. They have a modular design which allows you to customize depending on the required application in collimating or focusing operational mode. Depends on the operational mode they can have elliptical or parabolic reflector combined with correspondent refractive optics.


The 201-6.5K and 200-6.5K lamp housings are designed for 3000W—6KW Xenon, Mercury-Xenon, and Mercury short arc lamps as well as 2000W-5000KW QTH lamps (sold separately) . 


A variety of output port coupling accessories allows for the attachment of refractive or reflective collimating optics. 


A number of beam line options are available such as refractive condensing optics to refocus the output light into a very fine focal point for maximum brightness. This is ideal for fiber optic applications where the light needs to be condensed into a small entrance of a fiber bundle. Other beam line accessories available include filtering accessories and focus point accessories.


-High power focused beam

-Efficient ellipsoidal reflector for light collection

-f/2.5 ellipsoidal reflector aperture

-Supports 5000W arc lamps (xenon & mercury-xenon)

-230-240VAC requirement

-Horizontally mounted arc lamp

Name (200-6.5k) High Power Focused Beam Arc Lamp Housing - 6kW Xe lamp
Mounting Horizontal
Housing Type Xenon
housing window Fused Quartz
Optical Axis Height 419 mm
Output Focused
Fan Voltage Setting 230 VAC

備案號:京ICP備13029673號-1     京公網(wǎng)安備11010802012682



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